From the course: Recruiting Foundations

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Attitude and expectations

Attitude and expectations

- I want you to imagine for a moment the challenge of closing a deal when you've got people on both sides of your sale who change their opinions; sometimes they change facts, sometimes they have other deals that are pending; their time frame changes, often their priorities can change. What I've just described is the recruiting profession closing process. And as a result, the success in this profession is really impacted by your attitude and expectations, because it's not easy to close deals when you have all those parameters that you're working within, and it's not easy to attract top talent. But every day, you've got a choice regarding your attitude. Really, when you wake up in the morning, you can choose to have a great day, or you can choose to say, "This is going to be one of those days", and you're going to spend the entire day proving yourself right. In reality, self-talk creates self-image, which does create real performance. And this is often referred to as a self-fulfilling…
