From the course: Recruiting Foundations

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Address red flags

Address red flags

- Have you every learned something about a person or a situation that you wish you didn't know? You will find red flags on both the candidate and hiring authority's side of the placement process. I'd like to review some main candidate red flags, let's start out with their resume or their CV. Red flags could be a gap of employment, or maybe they have short durations in their last employers. It could be a reduction in their title or income, or maybe you look at the title and you see that the title far surpasses the level or experience that's listed on their resume or they could have been unemployed for an extended period of time. These are all situations that you need to go back and delve deeper into to find out the reasons for these situations. Now during the interviewing process red flags can also appear. It could be a candidate's inability to answer questions that they should know. It could be an apparent lack of preparation or research, there's nothing worse than having them show up…
