From the course: React.js Essential Training

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Incorporating the Link component

Incorporating the Link component - React.js Tutorial

From the course: React.js Essential Training

Incorporating the Link component

- [Instructor] Now that we have successfully rendered our few different components at contact, at about, and at the home route, we want to be able to link from these different pages without typing this into the browser. So, the first thing I want to do here is import a component from React Router called link. A quick note, too, that the reason that we're importing everything from React Router DOM is because we're using the DOM. We're using the browser to create a web application. There are React Router tools for React Native as well. So this is why that's split out into its own package. The next thing we want to do here is inside of our home component, we want to display these different links. So here we'll say link. So the link we want to create here is to our about page. So first we want to display this. Let's go ahead and hit save. Nothing is going to be displayed until I add this to slash about. So check it out…
