From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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Testing sound

Testing sound

- [Instructor] At this point, you should have audio coming out of the Raspberry Pi, but sound with the Pi can be problematic, and you may have to troubleshoot. Let's go over some tricks on how to do this. A quick sound check is to run the speaker-test utility. Open up a command line prompt and type speaker-test -c 5 - t wav. This will describe what's being tested. It may test more speakers than you actually have. In my case, I only have left and right, but speaker-test also finds rear and center speakers. Press Control + C to stop this test. That's a utility you can use to test sound, but how do you fix missing sound? If you don't hear sound, first check the audio menu. Audio output should be set to the correct audio device. Left-click to display the volume. Right-click to display the options menu. If you didn't hear any sound, check your speakers with a different sound source, just to make sure they're working. If you hear a lot of static, it may be from an unshielded USB power…
