From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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Raspberry Pi is incredibly configurable

Raspberry Pi is incredibly configurable

From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

Raspberry Pi is incredibly configurable

- [Instructor] It's easy to be confused about what a Raspberry Pi is, or does, because it's adaptable to a wide range of tasks. Unlike a regular laptop, the Raspberry Pi can be anything you want. If you just need a small, low-power computer, the Raspberry Pi can fit in your pocket, drive a small screen, and run on five volts, just like your cell phone. For fans of retro video games, the open source RetroPie software turns your Raspberry Pi into a highly capable retro game console. The most popular use of Raspberry Pi is for entertainment servers. Spool music and videos to your high-resolution monitor with high-quality sound. A Raspberry Pi can monitor your home, providing you with remote photo, or video surveillance, motion detection, control of lights and alarms, and it doesn't stop there. The Raspberry Pi talks to the outside world through the General Purpose Input/Output pins, also known as the GPIO. These pins control lights and motors, read data from sensors, and interact with…
