From the course: Programming Foundations: Secure Coding

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Logging and output issues

Logging and output issues

- We discussed issues with disclosure through error handling and in a similar vein, it's possible to expose too much information in our log messages and system output. We will start with log information because it is much easier to inadvertently cause issues in how you write log messages. There are two classes of vulnerability in log messages. The first is exposure of too much of your internal workings and the second is too much information about your user. When you write log messages often you are providing detailed information about what is actually happening in your system. This data can be critical when issues arise whether they're security focused or operational in nature. But log messages can also provide too much information, making your log aggregations an attack point. Events are one of the things you should always log whether they are user events of system events such as authentication or task completions. You…
