From the course: Programming Foundations: Secure Coding

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Embrace security in design

Embrace security in design

- As we begin talking about culture changes around secure coding, I think it is only fitting to talk first about the point where most developers begin their engagement, and that is the design. Design is a great place to start looking at ways to make your application more secure for various reasons, but I want to focus on some strategies for how to take security into account during design. I like to start all of my design activities by looking at the system design. Whether it's a complete system in waterfall or a simple feature in Scrum, the system itself is key. By looking at what you are building, you can start looking at ways to destroy it, and that is in my opinion one of the greatest assets for a secure developer. I feel very strongly that developers struggle with security because they are trying to build, not tear down. Good security people learn how to tear down systems. They learn how to exploit features to…
