From the course: Programming Foundations: Databases

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Software options

- When planning, building, and using a database, there are many database management systems to choose from. Common relational database management systems include Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, dBase, FileMaker Pro, Microsoft Access, MySQL, MariaDB, SAP HANA, and SQLite. some systems offer a whole graphical environment to build, manage, and edit the database. Others provide a text console where you'll write SQL directly to work with the database. While the interfaces and sets of features differ, the general principles are the same. Some of these tools are intended for small solutions with just a few users, and these are called desktop databases. Usually, but not always, this type of database is hosted on a workstation rather than a dedicated server. Access is an example of this, and FileMaker Pro is often used in this context, as well, though it can scale to larger installations, too. Other systems are intended to be used…
