From the course: Programming Foundations: Databases

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Creating a database

Creating a database

- After we've planned, designed, and normalized a database, the next step is to create it. Depending on the database management system you're using, that task will either be done by writing SQL commands by hand or in a graphical environment, where software takes care of composing those commands for you. I can't show you how to create a database in every possible DBMS, so I want to talk about the general approach and about one important distinction in how we interact with the database. Chances are, if you're working with a relational database, you'll be communicating with it using SQL or a structured query language. We saw a little bit of this earlier, and you may remember that I mentioned SQL can be used both as a DDL, or data definition language, and a DML, or a data manipulation language. When we create a database or modify its schema, we'll use SQL as a DDL, and when we work with data inside the structure of a…
