From the course: Programming Foundations: Databases

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Basic SQL

Basic SQL

- Once we have a database, we'll need to actually talk to it. A common language used to do this is called SQL, often called Sequel, and it stands for structured query language. Most relational database management system tools, also called RDBMS tools, support ANSI SQL. That's the version of SQL defined by the American National Standards Institute, which is generally considered to be the standard or minimum most widely supported set of commands for the SQL language. Though many tools offer their own flavor or version of the language that extends ANSI SQL to add features specific to that DBMS. Two examples of this are T-SQL or Transact-SQL used by Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, an open-source DBMS that includes a few other useful features on top of the SQL standard. SQL allows us to write statements which the DBMS interprets, and that's how we interact with the data in the database, from apps, or even within the DBMS…
