From the course: Professional Networking

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Manage networking time effectively

Manage networking time effectively

From the course: Professional Networking

Manage networking time effectively

- We're all busy these days, but that doesn't mean you're too busy for networking. Networking doesn't have to be an onerous, time-intensive process. Let's discuss some ways you can do it efficiently and effectively. One of the best ways to save time in networking and add value in the process is to connect multiple people with one another. When I visited San Francisco a few years back, I had limited time and I wanted to see my colleagues John and Susan. They weren't acquainted, but I thought they might enjoy each other so I invited them both to dinner. It was a time-saver for me because it allowed me to connect with both of them in one evening, but it also forged a new connection. They've subsequently gone to numerous networking events together. And John has referred Susan to many podcasts for interview opportunities. If you're feeling pressed for time when it comes to networking, think creatively and maybe you can…
