From the course: Professional Networking

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Host your own networking event

Host your own networking event

From the course: Professional Networking

Host your own networking event

- It may sound intimidating to host your own networking event, but in many cases, it's actually easier than attending other people's or organization's events that are poorly planned. Here's how you can do it the right way. First, start by determining what type of event to hold. Ask yourself, what type of event do you enjoy? It could be a large gathering, but I'd suggest starting small to test the waters. Think back on networking events that you've attended in the past that you particularly enjoyed. What were they like, why did you like them? You can think broadly about events you think would be fun and that others might like, too. Anything from a dinner party at your house if you like to cook to a gathering at a restaurant to a group outing to a sports match to a boat cruise to a bike ride to a tea party. The key is to pick a venue where you'll have fun and can share that with other like-minded people. Next, decide how to…
