From the course: Professional Networking

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Create content to expand your network

Create content to expand your network

From the course: Professional Networking

Create content to expand your network

- It's not necessarily intuitive to think of content creation, such as writing a blog post or creating an online video, as a form of networking, but it's an extraordinarily powerful and underutilized strategy because it has the power to draw the right people to you. For instance, I didn't expect to meet David Allen, the productivity guru, but I wrote an article about him for the Huffington Post and he contacted me directly to thank me and we set up a call. You could also write about people on your own blog or blog on sites like LinkedIn or Medium. I also didn't expect to meet Ramit Sethi, the well-known blogger, but I mentioned him in an article I wrote, and we ended up having breakfast. Thanks to Google Alerts, it's easy for people you write about to see that you've done so. And sometimes, they'll reach out to you directly. If you want to hasten the process, you can even email them a link. You may not get a…
