From the course: PowerPoint: Designing Better Slides

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Your turn #1: Redesign a slide using Gestalt principles

Your turn #1: Redesign a slide using Gestalt principles

From the course: PowerPoint: Designing Better Slides

Your turn #1: Redesign a slide using Gestalt principles

- [Instructor] Welcome back. Now that you've watched the first opening chapter, I hope you've internalized some of those things that we've talked about, particularly those all important design pillars, and why it's important to design for everyone in mind. In this lesson though, I thought I would give you a chance to put what you've learned to the test. That's right, it's your turn to create a slide applying one or more of the gestalt principles and redesign a slide. And this is the slide that you will be redesigning. Right now, it's a bit of a mess. There's a lot of text, a lot of crazy colors going on, and an image over here that I'm not all that crazy about. In the exercise files folder for this lesson, you will find many assets to help you with this task. You've got a few logo files that you can choose from, you've got a few images, feel free to use any of these in your redesign or none of them. What you'll also find is a…
