From the course: Power BI Essential Training

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Use a workspace

Use a workspace

- [Instructor] Now that we've created a new workspace, how do we use it? Up to this point, all the items that you and I have created, were created in the workspace that's called My Workspace. Our very own private workspace. And everything that you and I create in my workspace stays there with you as the only owner, the only viewer, unless you choose to share it. So with a workspace like Sales Analytics, we begin again. We create content, we upload files, we connect to different semantic models. All of these things that we did previously in the workspace named My Workspace. We're going to begin by uploading some data from a PBIX file. So I'm going to click Upload. I'm going to go to OneDrive for Business, navigate to my exercise files folder. And in the exercise files Chapter 6, you will find a PBIX file called Info Requests. We've seen it previously, the same data under a different name and click Upload. And we're prompted that this could take a little while. That's pretty standard…
