From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

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User accounts and roles

User accounts and roles

- [Instructor] Securing data is one of the most important responsibilities of a database management system like Postgres. Controlling who has access to perform which tasks in a database is done through a mechanism called roles. There's a collection for them. Under the server level of the tree. Roles can be thought of as the user accounts that people use to log into the server with. In fact, in older versions of Postgres there were actually two different kinds of accounts users and groups, but since Postgres version 8.1 both of those entities have been combined into a single entity called a role. Now, there is no difference between an account intended for an individual or an umbrella account that's used by an entire team that have similar access requirements. Everything is just a role. Let's open up the collection and take a look. Here you can see that there's already a number of roles that have been created on the Postgres…
