From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

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Tour the pgAdmin interface

Tour the pgAdmin interface

- [Instructor] Before we dive into working with the PostgreSQL server, let's take a quick tour of the pgAdmin interface. On the left hand side of the screen is a tree view of the database servers that we've connected to. Depending on the version of pgAdmin that you're working with, this area may have two different names. In version six and earlier this pane is called the browser. Version six is the version that I'm working with now. And it's the version that's currently bundled with the unified installer that I got from EnterpriseDB. If you've downloaded pgAdmin as a standalone application, it's likely that you'll have a slightly newer version seven. Starting in version seven, this pane is called the object explorer. Either way though, they do the exact same thing. At the top is the server group container. You can create multiple server groups to organize your connections by right clicking on the existing group, pointing to…
