From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

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Organize tables with schemas

Organize tables with schemas - PostgreSQL Tutorial

From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

Organize tables with schemas

- [Instructor] When we dig into the tree pane to explore the contents of the Postgres server, you'll recall that the tables that we've created so far are underneath a collection of items called schemas. For instance, in the colors database, I'll expand that open, we'll find a collection for our schemas. Inside of there, we have the public schema. Then in that we have our tables collection, and finally we get to the colors table. Schemas are a way to organize and group objects in your database, so this table, the colors table is more specifically the colors table in the public schema. You can see that if you select the colors table and then click on the View Data button on the toolbar. The select query that's generated by PG admin includes the two-part name for the table that includes the schema public. This is called the table's qualified name when it includes both the schema and the table name separated by a period. As a…
