From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

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Download and install PostgreSQL

Download and install PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL Tutorial

From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

Download and install PostgreSQL

- [Narrator] In order to get started working with PostgreS, we need to install two components. First, the PostgreS database server itself, which will do all of the work of storing our data and managing connections, security and maintenance of the data. The server software can be installed either on your own local computer or on a separate remote computer that you can access over a network. The second component that we need will give us a way to communicate and send commands, so that we can interact with the database server. For this, we'll need a management application or what's sometimes referred to as a front-end client. The client application is almost always installed on your local computer or sometimes as a web service that you'll access through a browser. Now, there are lots of different clients that we can use to interface with a PostgreS server. Some provide a graphical interface and others are text-based and use the…
