From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

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Connect pgAdmin to Docker

Connect pgAdmin to Docker

- [Instructor] If you're working with PostgreSQL running in a Docker container, then pgAdmin is going to look a little bit different the first time you started up. I've switched back over to my Mac where I've installed Postgres with the help of Docker and started up pgAdmin. Just like before you'll first be asked to set a master password for pgAdmin. This will allow you to securely encrypt all of the passwords required to log into all of your connected servers, and pgAdmin will automatically log you into them every time you access them through the graphical interface. This can save a lot of time if you have multiple servers that you want to work with. I'll go ahead and type in a new master password for my installation. I'll press the OK button, and that takes me to the main dashboard. At the bottom, you'll see some links to some reference documentation, but that's about it. The sidebar is completely empty. Since we…
