From the course: Planning Your Career and Your Life

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The three circles

The three circles

- There are three factors when it comes to finding the perfect job, and if you can manage to find the overlap of all three of these, then you've cracked it. So the first thing is to find something that you enjoy doing. Second is it should be something that you're good at, and thirdly, it needs to be something that you can earn money doing, so it's quite possible there's something that you like and you're good at, but you can't earn any money doing it, or there might be something that you like doing and it's quite well-paid, but you're just not very good at it, or something you're good at and you can earn money doing, but you just don't enjoy. We're trying to find that sweet spot of all three, and they are related because if you like something, if you enjoy doing it, that tends to mean that you do it quite a bit and you focus on it, which means that you will become good at it, so enjoy tends to lead to good at…
