From the course: Planning Your Career and Your Life

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Is it okay to be content?

Is it okay to be content?

- What if your content in the job that you're in. Do we have to have this relentless search for maximum success and achievement and all of this. No, I don't think so. If you're happy in your job that's brilliant. I think finding a job that you enjoy is a big part of your overall life happiness. So if you can find a job you love, brilliant, you don't need to change anything. And I would certainly recommend not comparing yourself with other people or trying to compete with other people. So maybe you've got a friend who earns more than you. That's fine. Good luck to them. Or maybe you've got a friend who's doing some sort of different job and they love it. That's fine. Don't compare yourself with other people. Don't try to compete with other people. If you like your job, that's great. But also if you don't like your job, then that's interesting. Even if everybody's telling you, you ought to like it, you don't have to…
