From the course: Photoshop for Fashion Design: 2 Rendering Techniques

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Trim brush

Trim brush

- [Instructor] Let's take the sketch brush we just made and put it to use. I'm going to draw some additional details on this illustration and we're going to make a brush to do it with using the sketch brush that we just made. Maybe I want to add a little scallop to the bottom. I'll go to my brushes, I'm going to grab that sketch brush. Let's find it. There it is, Sketch 1. And I'm in a new layer, here. So this is the one that matches this pretty nicely. Maybe we'll make it one click bigger. And we'll draw a little scallop that I'm going to add to the bottom of the shirt. And maybe while we're at it, we'll make another little doodle that we could use, so maybe a little fan kind of shape. We'll put a couple dots on top. That'll work. All right, let's turn off our illustration layer. We're going to select one of these images, Edit, Define Brush Preset, we'll call it scallop. And let's do the other one as well. We'll grab one of the Selection Tool, select it, Edit, Define Brush Preset…
