From the course: Photoshop 2022 Essential Training

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Warping images

Warping images

- [Instructor] Photoshop's work tools are a great way to distort an image in order to composite it with another. So I have two layers in this document right now, we have the photograph of the corrugated metal, and then I have a photo that I want to place on that metal. In order to create a clipping mask so that the photo only appears on the metal, I want to select the metal. So, I'll target that layer in the layers panel, I'll select the object selection tool, and when I hover the cursor on top of the corrugated metal, as soon as the object finder runs, it will show me a highlight of that area. Or I could just click and drag around the object that I want to select and Photoshop will shrink that selection to the object. In order to copy this content to its own layer, I'll choose the Layer menu and then select new and then layer via copy, and we can see that copy in the layers panel. All right, I'm going to target the photo…
