From the course: Photoshop 2022 Essential Training

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Sharpening images

Sharpening images

- [Instructor] Three of the most commonly used filters in Photoshop are the unsharp mask, the smart sharpen and the high pass filters. These are all used to help prepare our images, look their best when they're printed or viewed on screen. Let's take a look at these three filters to see when we might want to use one over another. So when we are applying sharpening, we want to preview our images at a hundred percent. So I'll start by using command+one on mac, control+one on windows in order to view at a hundred percent. Then I will right click on my background and just convert this to a smart object so that we can add the filters as smart filters. I'm going to create two copies of this, I'll use command+J to create the first one and command+J again to create the second one, then we will toggle off the visibility of those two layers and target this background layer here and target layer zero, which I will double click and…
