From the course: Photoshop 2022 Essential Training

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Brush basics

Brush basics

- [Instructor] We're going to take the next few minutes to find out how to quickly customize the most common attributes for the painting tools in Photoshop. I want to open a new file. I'll choose Photo, and then the Default Photoshop Size, just changing the color profile to Adobe RGB, and then clicking Create. I'm going to tap the B key. That will select the Brush tool, and then I can Control + click or right-click on the Brush icon in order to reset the tool so that we're all starting at the same place. Now, if I want to access the most common brush attributes, I can use the Brush Preset Picker. I can change the size of the brush, as well as the hardness of the brush. I can also change the shape of the brush and the angle. Below that, I could search for a brush if I knew the name of it. I can see my recently-used brushes, and I can also choose from a number of different presets. All right, in order to close…
