From the course: Photography Foundations: Mobile Photography

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- All right, the sun is setting quick so I'm going to be, I'm going to be fast about this here. I want to get a shot here. I really like the relationship of the sun to that point of land out there, and so what I need to do is zoom in. Now on this particular phone, I have a 2X optical zoom, meaning I have another lens. And that works pretty well. But I would like to get even closer. Now you may be in the habit on your phone of saying well that's okay, you just pinch and zoom in further. And this phone says now I'm at 3X. That is not a true 3X zoom. What's going on when you do that, I'm going to actually just grab this 2X photo there before the sun sets. And then zoom back in. What's going on when I do that pinch to zoom is not any kind of actual optical zoom. What's happening is the phone is digitally enlarging the photo, and then doing a crop of it. Now anytime you digitally enlarge an image, you risk softening other…
