From the course: Photography Foundations: Mobile Photography

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White balance troubles

White balance troubles

- I've brought Brittany here out to this shady area to demonstrate one of the vagaries of light, which is the way that it changes color depending on the source of the light. So sunlight shines with one color, tungsten lights shine with another, fluorescent lights shine with another. In this case, sunlight shining against an object and casting a shadow creates an entirely different type of light. Now, the human eye has an incredible ability to deal with all of this. If we take a white piece of paper into all of those different kinds of light that I mentioned, it will always look white. We cannot create a camera technology that does that. Instead we have to calibrate our cameras to the color of the light that we're shooting in to get accurate color. That's a process called white balancing. You may have dealt with that on your regular camera or a video camera. Your phone, the stock app in your phone, may not have a…
