From the course: Photography Foundations: Mobile Photography

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Shoot with flash

Shoot with flash

- All right, check this out. I'm going to shoot this picture of Zach with the sun setting there in the background. That's no flash and now hopefully, before it goes away, I'm going to turn the flash on and shoot again and let's look at the differences here. So, here is the shot I took with no flash. The camera was smart enough to know that he was my subject and so, it exposed for him, but it's dark enough out here that it overexposed the background. So, I turned the flash on and look what happened. With the flash on, the camera knew that the foreground was going to be illuminated. So it exposed for the background. That got my sky back and then to light him up it fired the flash. This is something called fill flash. I am filling in the shadowy areas with flash to try to compensate for the bright light in the background. This is a way of handling a high dynamic range situation. Most people think, "Oh, the flash is…
