From the course: Photography Foundations: Mobile Photography

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Shoot in RAW

Shoot in RAW

- If you're running a current version of iOS or Android, then you have the option of shooting in RAW format as long as you have an application that supports it and the stock applications that come with most phones don't actually support RAW shooting right out of the box. Before we get to what applications do, let's talk about why you might want to bother with RAW shooting. When you shoot in RAW, the camera simply takes the RAW data off the sensor and writes it to a file. It doesn't do any processing to it at all. When you're shooting JPEG, the camera actually manipulates your image a lot. It applies contrast changes and color changes and if you're using something like a portrait mode, it might be in there faking depth of field and that kind of stuff. RAW images are truly that, they are raw. The advantage of a RAW file is for the shooter who likes to do a lot of edits. With a RAW file, you can adjust white balance after the…
