From the course: Photography Foundations: Mobile Photography

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Panorama modes

Panorama modes

- A lot of camera applications have a panorama mode. You've probably played with yours already, if your camera has one. You know, that's where you can pan around to capture a wide panoramic view of something. It's pretty cut and dry. There's not that much to remember about it other than try to hold the bottom of the camera level so that you don't get weird bends in your final panorama and know that the wider a swath you cut, the more weird distortion you're going to get as the camera tries to figure out how to map a cylindrical view onto a flat shape. What I want to talk about here is what I consider to be the most useful application of a panoramic mode, which is not for grabbing a big sweeping vista, but just for those times, maybe, when you're in a smaller space and you need a wider angle than what the lens in your camera will give you. So, I've got that right here. I want to shoot the back of this house and even with…
