From the course: Photography Foundations: Mobile Photography

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Low-light shooting

Low-light shooting

- Night has fallen, we've moved indoors. It's not like there's anything dangerous outdoors, it just really sounded dramatic. Anyway, it's low light now, and so I'm going to try and take a portrait of Dom. Now, what you're seeing in this camera right here is actually much brighter than how it looks to my eye right now. That's because the camera has an ability to gather low light that is better than mine in this situation. My eyes will make up for it later when it gets even darker. But I just want you to know that right now, the situation that I'm in is much darker than what you're seeing. So, when you come into a low light situation like this, it might be that your impulse and your habit is to turn on the flash on your camera. So, I've got the flash on. I'm going to come down here because if I shoot from up there, I'm making Dom look like a child, and this is just a nicer angle, it puts us on even terms, it makes him better…
