From the course: Photography Foundations: Mobile Photography

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Change the exposure

Change the exposure

- So, we're still here in the high dynamic range situation that we saw last time, but now we're actually going to try and take a picture and see what we can get. So, this is what we were seeing before. I have framed up my shot here and because this situation, because the dynamic range is so high, because the difference in brightness between Dom's face and the background, because there's so much difference, the phone is completely flummoxed. It doesn't know what to do. It's making the right decision, right now. It's decided to expose for his face and in doing that, it's blowing out the background. Now, there is a way that I could make it expose for the background and fix his face later, but that would involve a post production step. We'll talk about that in a minute. First I want to talk about how we can just get a shot that we want in camera. So, I like this shot. I can take this picture. And, you can see that we…
