From the course: Photography Foundations: Mobile Photography

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Aspect ratio

Aspect ratio

- Okay, check this out. I got a sailboat out there, some people out on the horizon, some seagulls, the Pacific Ocean. I'm going to grab a quick shot of this. I'm zooming in to 2X, so that I can crop to only the sailboat and there's an island out there also. This is what I get. That's not bad. There's an easy way that I can improve this shot, though, and that is to come down here and, can't see what I'm doing, there we go. Come down here and switch my aspect ratio to 16 by nine. Aspect ratio is the ratio of the width to the length. The boat's turning around, I need to grab this. So, here's what I get when I shoot at 16 by nine. It's a more rectangular, more landscape oriented crop there and what that means is that I've cut out a bunch of that extra stuff that was in the sky, a bunch of stuff that I don't need. Here's the before, the four to three aspect ratio. Here's the after, the 16 by nine. So, notice what's…
