From the course: Photography Foundations: Exposure (part 1)

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Modern camera anatomy

Modern camera anatomy

- [Instructor] So if any camera is fundamentally a lightproof box, what's all that other stuff on your camera and why do cameras come in so many different shapes and sizes? In the last movie when I showed you this pinhole camera, I said that to take a photo with it, you set it up and then guess how to frame your shot. That's because this camera doesn't have a viewfinder of any kind. I can only guess at what it's pointed at and what the dimensions of it's framing might be. If you look at the history of cameras, you'll find a lot of different viewfinder designs and that's because engineering a viewfinder is very tricky. Consider this. The lens in a camera needs to point directly at the focal plane. That's the plane on which you've placed the piece of film or a digital image sensor. With that arrangement, you can think of it as the image sensor looking through the lens but if the image sensor is looking through the lens,…
