From the course: Photography Foundations: Exposure (part 1)

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Light metering

Light metering

- After all that stuff in the last chapter, you should be comfortable with the idea that shutter speed and aperture let you control how much light hits your camera's image sensor. In addition, you should understand that ISO alters the light sensitivity of the image sensor. Shutter speeds can range from hours to fractions of a second, while your lens might offer two dozen apertures and your camera, 15 different ISO settings. But how do you know which combination of parameters is going to yield the right amount of light? From the title of this movie, and maybe from experience, you probably already know that the answer to that question is that your camera has a light meter. These days the meter is not something you can see, it's located inside the camera and it looks out through your camera's lens to take its readings. For that reason, these meters are called TTL, or through the lens meters to distinguish them from older…
