From the course: Photography Foundations: Exposure (part 1)

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ISO control

ISO control

- [Ben] If you're originally a film shooter, then you may not think of ISO as an exposure parameter, because when you shoot film, you choose an ISO when you buy a roll of film and you shoot at that ISO throughout the entire roll. With film, ISO is not something you can adjust from shot to shot. That's one of the great boons of digital photography. Being able to change ISO on the fly, means that we have much greater flexibility and freedom to change shutter speed and aperture. We can compensate for those changes, to shutter speed or aperture, by shifting ISO anytime that we need to. Somewhere on your camera, there is an ISO control. You need to find it now. It might be a dial, it might be something that you access from a menu. On this Canon camera, for example, ISO is selected by pressing a button and turning a dial and reading a readout either on this screen or on the back or in the viewfinder. On this Fuji camera, I…
