From the course: Photography Foundations: Exposure (part 1)

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Image editors and exposure

Image editors and exposure

- [Instructor] Photography in the modern era is, in many ways, spectacularly easier than it used to be, and that's due in large part to screens. You have a screen on the back of your camera so that you can see your image as soon as you shoot it. You have a screen like this where you can perform amazingly sophisticated edits and you're most likely carrying a screen in your pocket. That means that you can not only, you know, bore people with your vacation photos at any time, but you can easily distribute images all over the world. Now, here's the downside. When you edit an image and post it on social media, you actually have no idea what the viewer is going to see because all screens are different. If you've ever been in an electronic store or an appliance store and seen a wall full of TVs, then you've probably seen that even the same model of TV can look different from unit to unit. So maybe you have carefully edited an image to reveal a certain level of shadow detail, and you think it…
