From the course: Penetration Testing Essential Training

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A Kali refresher

A Kali refresher

- [Instructor] If you haven't worked with Kali yet, you should take a look at my introduction to Kali course. For the purposes of this course, let's start by taking a look at the basic configuration updating and application menu. We'll start by looking at how we can change our Kali settings. I'll click on the computer icon at the top right and settings. We can manage our timeout settings here. Let's look at system and we can see that I've set Kali to never suspend. Under display. The screen will go blank after 10 minutes and switch off after 15 minutes. Under security. We're going to lock the screen when the system goes to sleep. You can set Kali to manage its power and displays as you like. Before I look at the tools, I'll run the update and upgrade commands to make sure Kali is up to date. I'll open the terminal window and type sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade. And I'll put the Kali password in, which is kali, and we'll let that run and that will do its update followed by its…
