From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Create a meeting

Create a meeting

- [Instructor] Let's create a meeting instead of an appointment as now we want to start involving other people. In the calendar, I can still click New Event from the Home ribbon tab or like before, double click or drag and slide with my calendar where I want to create the meeting. I could fill it in here but like before, I'm going to jump right in to More Options to get that bigger window. So just like an event, the first thing we'll do is fill out our subject line which they call Title. This way, everybody knows what it's about. I can also fill in the location of the meeting. Now, because this is a Microsoft 365 environment, I could choose a specific conference room if my network administrator has set this up. I can see here that this conference is available at that particular time and that it seats eight people and if I click inside with nothing, I can also click to browse with Room Finder and find an available room.…
