From the course: Organizational Learning and Development

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Powering the SkillsEngine™: Evolving the L&D ecosystem

Powering the SkillsEngine™: Evolving the L&D ecosystem

From the course: Organizational Learning and Development

Powering the SkillsEngine™: Evolving the L&D ecosystem

- We've looked at the skills engine and the principles you'll use to build your L&D ecosystem. Now it's time to translate theory into practice. Make sure you have the points you jotted down during the last video, and pull up the page called "Evolving the L&D ecosystem" from the exercise files so you can make additional notes as we go along. Let's get started. As an L&D leader, your biggest focus is the skills activation component of the skills engine. Your choices will drive experiences in every context for employees' jobs, career, interests, and to prepare for the future, and you'll support everything, from curious learning to deeper skill-building. It seems like a lot, but it really boils down to three types of technology. Experience tech serves up learning experiences to employees and tracks their progress along the way. Content and experience design supports your team as you design and curate those experiences. And skills enablers help you assess and interpret insights which…
