From the course: Optimize Your Resume for Applicant Tracking Systems

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- It's completely understandable that you would want to choose a resume font that's reflective of your personality or your vibe. And to an extent, you can, but if you choose a font that the applicant tracking system can't read, you are greatly jeopardizing the odds that you'll be called in for an interview. So now is not at all the time to be busting out Slim Joe, Fat Pet, or Porcupine Pickle, which are all three custom fonts. You've got to pick something that's a standard PC font, either serif or sans serif fonts. With serif fonts, now, these are the fonts that have the little flag or the little tail on each letter. These are most often associated with more mature or more conservative audiences. And examples would be Times New Roman or Garamond. Those are very common PC fonts. Sans serif fonts, on the other hand, those are the ones that don't have the little flag on each letter. And these are most often considered more…
