From the course: Operations Management Foundations

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Scheduling for operations professionals

Scheduling for operations professionals

From the course: Operations Management Foundations

Scheduling for operations professionals

- In the chaotic fast-paced world of business, scheduling is vital. Without good scheduling, your company is likely wasting employee time, poorly utilizing equipment, allowing certain materials to go to waste, and potentially missing opportunities to satisfy more customers. These are all things that would drive any executive crazy. As a result, companies make scheduling at every level a priority. Companies will create capacity plans for the next few years. This would include getting new facilities or adding additional equipment. Manufacturing companies might create aggregate plans that will cover the next few months. They'll try and figure out how to fill large orders and in the process, fully utilize their facilities and their employees. Some companies will create production plans for only the next few weeks, and then there is the short-term scheduling that takes place every week and in some cases, every day.…
