From the course: OneDrive for Business Essential Training

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- [Instructor] Let's organize OneDrive. It's starting to get a little bit unruly, so I'd like to create some folders. Right now I'm looking at everything in Thumbnail view or Tile view, and remember I got there by clicking My files on the left, and then on the top right hand side of the screen toggling between List, Compact List and Tile view. Right now I'm in Tile view. Here I have this folder called Executive Team which I just created. It contains the names and photos of everybody on the, you guessed it, executive team. And I can see that I already have one item in there, because of this one. Just like in this documents folder, I have four items in there. The easiest way to get more pictures in there, is to select them right from this view. If I hover my mouse over a file, I can place a check mark next to it. And the neat thing is, I can do that with multiple files. So I'm going to go ahead and select everybody in…
