From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Using your support team

Using your support team

- Listen, leading is terribly fulfilling. It's also stressful and difficult. Sometimes, you'll find yourself in need of support, so ask for it. We often resist doing this, because we're not trained and socialized to ask for help. We don't want to be a burden, and we don't want to signal to others that we need assistance or don't know something. That behavior puts you at risk. You risk performance problems. You risk more stress and anxiety, and you risk future opportunities because if your refusal to lean on someone leads to a questionable work product, they might hesitate in the future before relying on you again. So it's time to identify and use a support team. You're looking for at least three or four people you know well and trust who are willing and able to be kind and possibly helpful when you're in a difficult situation. This might be a peer, your mentor, a coach, a friend outside of work, a former colleague, or…
