From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Seeking feedback

Seeking feedback

- As a new leader, you have a lot to learn, and one of the keys to making this happen is seeking feedback about your performance from those who have insights worth sharing. The benefits are big and include understanding more clearly how you're performing and ways you might improve. Sending signals to others about your desire to improve and building bonds with others because they see you striving to grow just like them. Unfortunately, we too often resist seeking feedback, it's valuable, so why do we do this? First, we're all very busy, okay, but when you look at how you allocate and waste time, you realize there is real room to improve your time management skills. So find the time and prioritize your growth. Another reason we don't embrace seeking feedback is because we don't know exactly what our biggest areas for improvement really are. Since we're unaware, we don't ask, your job is to start assuming there are definitely…
