From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Recognizing and rewarding performance

Recognizing and rewarding performance

From the course: New Manager Foundations

Recognizing and rewarding performance

- Few things make your employees feel welcome and appreciated like being recognized for their good work. The ultimate expression of thanks would be an increase in compensation, a promotion, or both. However, our ability to offer those rewards is quite limited. Not to worry, you have many additional options to consider. Possibly the most powerful is also one of the oldest methods. Just saying thank you. Thank and you might just be the two most powerful words in business. Whether you're saying thank you, person-to-person or leaving someone a quick thank you note, it always has a positive effect by letting someone know they are valued. Of course, more extensive versions of a thank you can be delivered publicly for stronger effect, such as thanking and recognizing one or more people in front of the entire group or department. A more formal version of this is the use of actual awards and ceremonies. Here, a level of…
