From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Motivating remote workers

Motivating remote workers

- A strong majority of employees globally work remotely at least one day per week, and increasing numbers are doing it full-time. So how do you keep remote talent motivated? Here are several ways you can make that happen. First, be sure to mix up the channels you use for communication over time. One or two video calls each week will definitely get old. So remember, you have video calls, audio only group calls, individual phone calls, texts, emails and of course, group apps that allow for real-time chatting and document management functions, too. You might have one go-to platform with the team, but always sprinkle in a few others over the course of a month to keep things fresh. Another great tactic is to share ownership of different group tasks. Sure, everyone has their assigned roles, but you can still mix it up when it comes to, for example, who plans and distributes meeting agendas? Who is the scribe taking notes each…
