From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Gaining comfort with power

Gaining comfort with power

- From a leadership perspective power is the capacity to influence others to act in particular ways. As a new manager, you possess two distinct forms of power at work, inherent power and earned power. Starting with inherent power, there are two types to consider. The first is the power inherent in you as a person. You were born with certain characteristics that can give you significant power. For example, your intelligence and your natural level of communication and social skills. These are just gifts you received. Next is role related power. This is the authority vested in a position at work that you occupy. Thus, a manager is granted permission to direct many of the activities of certain employees. This gives you the power to direct behaviors, evaluate performance, reward and punish behaviors, and so on. In contrast, let's consider earned power. This refers to power that is accessible to you if you can…
