From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Developing the leader mindset

Developing the leader mindset

From the course: New Manager Foundations

Developing the leader mindset

- Being an effective leader has a lot to do with your experience and skills, but to start, you must first establish the right mindset. Your mindset is about certain attitudes and beliefs that help you accomplish more. The more you focus on maintaining the right mindset, the more able you are to face challenges successfully. That begins with building and maintaining a strong sense of self-confidence, a general belief that you are good and capable. Make that happen by choosing to think about confidence regularly, especially anytime your confidence is shaken. Say to yourself some version of, I know I'm a decent and highly capable person. Next, briefly explain that fact. Remember the credentials, the big wins, the skills learned, and all of the other indicators that you are capable. Finally, commit to proving it. Never allow a small lapse in confidence to sideline you. So look at your schedule and choose a few spots in the…
